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Who God says I am...

It has been 4 months since I have written or posted anything on here. And what's worse is that I have not shared this site/blog with anyone (as of 6pm on 12/21). Why? Fear, busyness, comparison, procrastination, and probably a bunch of other things too. But one of the biggest obstacles has been a lack of confidence in WHO I AM. Is this my true calling? I need to "get my life together" first. Why would God want me to do this when so many others do it already? I'm just a teacher. I'm only 22 years old. I don't know enough. The list of insecurities goes on and on....

Ironic isn't it? This blog is all about identity in Christ and choosing to walk in it every day. So how can I be struggling with identity? Because! God won't have me talk about something that I have not experienced (or am not experiencing). His Word tells us in Revelation 12:11 that "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." They = angels in heaven; him = the devil. So if angels overcame the devil with their TESTIMONY, then I'm going to do the same. I am overcoming this "identity crisis" by sharing my testimony with you. What's the testimony, you ask? The mere fact that I am sharing with you all right now. That is the testimony. The devil couldn't stop me, my insecurities couldn't stop me, nothing could stop me because God called me to do this.

So I'm here to remind you and to remind myself that we are GRACED. Our identity is in God before it's in anything else. If all else was stripped away, we would still be God's precious daughters. We have to trust that He knows us better than we know ourselves. When we feel stuck or scared or confused, He will help us get "unstuck" and give us the power and clarity that we need. All we have to do is open the Bible and remind ourselves who HE says that we are. That truth will overcome the lies of the enemy any day.

So as we approach the new year, let's make a daily habit of reminding ourselves who God is and who He says we are. If you need a place to start, I'll be sharing a list of Biblical affirmations within the next few days. But I encourage you to read God's Word for yourself. Find out what He's trying to remind you personally regarding who He says you are. Because when you know who you are and WHOSE you are, nothing can stop you.

Whatever God is calling you to do, He is waiting for you to do it. You don't even have to wait until 2020 (unless of course God is telling you to). There are still 10 days left in 2019. Give yourself a running start for the new year.

I'll be posting on the blog and on Instagram more frequently for sure. What will you be doing?

December 21, 2019

Always remember: You are GRACED! God loves you so much!

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