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Are you wishing or hoping?

It's the most wonderful time of the year! I love the Christmas season. I love Jesus and getting new revelation about the story of His birth. I love the Christmas lights. I love the corny movies on the Hallmark Channel and on Netflix. And I love exchanging gifts. There's something special about watching someone get what they were hoping or wishing to get. The smiling face or the shriek of excitement or even the tears that might fall, those joyous reactions truly warm my heart.

If you noticed, I said hoping or wishing because the two are not the same. Let's start with the dictionary definitions from my favorite, Merriam Webster:

- Hope: to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment; to expect with confidence

- Wish: to have a desire for (something, such as something unattainable)

Honestly, those definitions speak for themselves. When we hope, there is expectation. When we wish, there is uncertainty. That's why we people "wish upon a star;" there's no real certainty because stars don't do anything but keep us warm. I love me a good Disney movie (musical numbers and all), but that's definitely one thing they've got wrong: "anything your heart desires" will NOT come to you when you wish upon a star. But I do know that God will grant me the desires of my heart, if I delight in Him (Psalm 37:4).

Now I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I lose faith (the substance of that which I hope for [Hebrews 11:1]). And that loss of faith can happen for any number of reasons: it can feel like it's taking too long, or maybe it's not happening the way that I envisioned it, or maybe I see no evidence of it happening. What's your it? What are you believing God for?

Take a minute to remind yourself of that thing you're hoping in God for. Now remember that for later.

I realize that I brought another word into the mix: believe. I think it's a much better synonym for hope. Because when you believe, you to accept something as true, genuine, or real (thanks Merriam Webster). Sounds a lot like having confidence. My church's theme this year has been "Believe." And I'm realizing that though I have been believing God for some things, my actions haven't aligned with those beliefs. Think about it: when we believe the weather report for snow (*rolls eyes at the New England snow on my car right now*), we put on our coats and snow boots, we make sure that the brush is in the car, and we *hopefully* leave a little earlier because the roads tend to be a little crazier in the snow. All of those actions are a result of believing the weather report. If you want to talk Bible, think about King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah facing what seemed to be an impossible battle. God told them through the prophet Jahaziel that the battle was not theirs, but God's. They believed that report and they got up early the next morning ready for battle. And they praised God on the battlefield and didn't have to lift a finger because the moment that they began to praise, God caused their enemies to turn against each other and annihilate one another. Go read that story in 2 Chronicles 20, whether or not you've read it before. I believe that God always has fresh revelation each for us.

All this to say, are you about that action? What is your response to what you believe? Is it prayer? Is it praise? Is it preparing? Did God give you specific instructions? Have you obeyed what He has said?

So here's the last thing I want to share before your "homework assignment" (I was a teacher and I'm currently a student, so I know the value of homework). There's a song that's been on my worship playlist lately, "Olorun Agbaye - You Are Mighty" by Nathaniel Bassey, Chandler Moore, and Oba. I sing these words every day, but today they hit a little different:

If you have said it

Then you will do it

Cause You have a Track record

Of keeping Words

And you're not about

To stop doing it now

These words describe our Mighty God. His track record is impeccable. And He's not about to start making mistakes. Believe what He said. Hope for what He's promised. Trust me when I say, He's going to blow your mind.

Now before you go, write this down (you can even type it on your phone, but I seriously want you to write it down): God, my hope is in You. I believe that you are going to _________ because Your Word says ________________. Fill in the blanks with that which you're hoping for (remember: you thought about it earlier) and the scripture God speaks to you. If you don't have a scripture, take some time to seek the Lord regarding the Word that He wants you to stand on. I'm writing mine too!

Now, one more thing: declare it every day (multiple times a day, if you want). This part is the most important because we know that life and death lie in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). But there have also been real studies that show that if someone repeats a lie enough, people will believe that it's true. Now imagine that you continue to say things like "it's never going to happen." You're going to believe those lies instead of the truth (what you wrote above). So let's flip the script and declare who our hope is in (GOD), what we're hoping for, and why we're believing that it's true (His Word).

2020 is NOT done y'all! Let's believe God for the things that He promised us.

This picture is to encourage/remind you to WRITE it down!

As a side note: It feels so good to be back and I'm hoping (intentionally chose that word) to be writing every week (if not more). It's been too long, and it feels so good to be able to share what God has placed on my heart. Thanks for reading. Share with others to encourage them.

Remember y'all that you are GRACED and that God loves you so much.

December 5, 2020

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